Volunteer Work Party with SB Botanic Garden on August 10
Join us and partners Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and Channel Islands Restoration at a volunteer work party at our one-acre native plant garden in Elings Park. Native species planted last spring have gotten a foothold — but invasive weeds are still growing at the site. The upcoming work parties focus primarily on weeding with tools, gloves, guidance, and snacks provided. Just show up to join a group of enthusiastic weeders!
The parties, all held on Saturdays, are scheduled for August 10, September 14, and November 9. More to come after the New Year. Shifts are available from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. Sign up at https://bit.ly/3ZCislU.
The Elings Park Transformation Project is overseen by Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and concentrates on the power of California’s native plants to create a healthy ecosystem. Scientific experiments will compare the abundance, diversity, and composition of plant and animal life both before and after the transformation. For more information on the Elings Park Transformation Project, visit https://sbbotanicgarden.org/conservation/our-impact/restoring-habitats/elings-park-transformation.