Maintained in eBird (, our Elings Park Bird List is generated with sightings from birders like you, and reviewed by local experts. It’s free to contribute your observations and it helps support other birders, researchers, and conservation organizations. Print out or download it before you come. Don’t forget your binoculars!
Before you set off for Elings Park, download our bird list (it’s also printable) or one of several free natural history apps available for smartphones.
Be Alerted of Rare Birds maintains a rare bird report of local observations. No account is needed to view the Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert , but you must sign up to submit sightings or receive email alerts.
Consider also subscribing to or viewing the rare bird alerts from Santa Barbara County Birding. With nearly 800 members, they celebrate their 25th anniversary this year.
Their lively rare bird board for our region (“sbcobirding”) can be found at Birding Lists Digest.
Tennessee Warbler – Photo by Hugh Ranson

Download Free Apps Before Your Visit
These are popular free apps that many Park visitors find useful. Many more are available, both free and fee-based. Listings here are informational only and not endorsements.