Adult Softball

Wednesday Lower Co-Ed

Summer 2024 Wednesday Lower Co-Ed – WMPA

  1. Slay Junction
  2. Hustle Sprouts
  3. Goleta Goobers
  4. Peppy’s Revenge
  5. Sharks
  6. Homies

Schedule is subject to change, please check it before each game

DATEField 1 6:30 PMField 1 7:40 PMField 1 8:50 PM
Feb 12, 2025Slay Junction vs. Hustle (cancelled rain)Goleta Goobers vs. Peppy's revenge (cancelled rain)Sharks vs. Homies (cancelled rain)
Feb 19Goleta Goobers 17 vs. Sharks 16Slay junction 18vs. Peppy's Revenge 17Hustle Sprouts 15 vs. Hommies 3
Feb 26Slay junction 0 vs. Hommies 7Peppy's Revenge 12 vs. Sharks 16Goleta Goobers 13 vs. Hustle Sprouts 19
Mar 5Hustle Sprouts vs. Peppy's RevengeHommies vs. Goleta GoobersSharks vs. Slay junction
Mar 12Hommies vs. Peppy's Revenge Sharks vs Hustle Sprouts Goleta Goobers vs. Slay junction
Mar 19Hommies vs. Goleta GoobersHustle Sprouts vs. Slay junctionPeppy's Revenge vs. Sharks
Mar 26Sharks vs. Goleta GoobersPeppy's Revenge vs. Slay junctionHommies vs. Hustle Sprouts
Apr 2Peppy's Revenge vs. Goleta GoobersSlay Junction vs. Hommies Hustle Sprouts vs. Sharks
Apr 9Slay Junction vs. Hustle Goleta Goobers vs. Peppy's revenge Sharks vs. Homies
Apr 165 vs 4winner vs. 13 vs. 6
Apr 23(winner 3 vs 6) vs. 2Championship
Apr 30

Slay Junction
Hustle Sprouts216
Goleta Goobers1135
Peppy's Revenge234
Sharks 1129

5 minutes grace period first game only.
Must start with 8 players (3 Women and 3 Men in Co-Ed). NO EXCEPTIONS!

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